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Migrating LOCATE to Cin7 with Easy Insight

Copying Data

You can use Easy Insight to copy data from LOCATE to Cin7. The first step is to connect Easy Insight to both your LOCATE and Cin7 data through the Connections page. For more information on this setup, see our LOCATE documentation and our Cin7 documentation. These connections may both take a while to pull over data, so before you actually start copying data between systems, make sure that the load has completed. Depending on how much LOCATE data you have, it may take anywhere from 20 minutes to a few days to load data.

Once you have both systems connected, you can click on Two Way and go to Integrations:

Click on 'Generate Integration Templates for LOCATE' to create the templates for copying data between systems. Please note that this option won't show up until you have both LOCATE and Cin7 connected.

After generating templates, you'll see a list of different integrations you can use to copy data between systems:

    LOCATE Part to Cin7 Product
    LOCATE Part to Cin7 Fashion Product
    LOCATE Vendor to Cin7 Contact
    LOCATE Customer to Cin7 Contact
    LOCATE BOM to Cin7 BOM
    LOCATE Part Bundle to Cin7 BOM
    LOCATE Purchase Orders to Cin7 Purchase Orders
    LOCATE Invoices to Cin7 Sales Orders

You can click into any of the integrations from the list. Within the integration, you can see which fields are mapped between the two systems. You can adjust any of these mappings. Some fields default to unmapped. For example, with custom fields, you'll need to choose which LOCATE custom field maps into a particular DEAR custom field:

For some fields, they use what Easy Insight calls 'report source fields' to populate values. You can see a list of the report sources used in an integration in the upper right corner of the integration page:

These sources are based off of report fields. If you click into one of these reports, you'll see the various fields that go into the report. For example, in the Part Migration Fields report referenced from the Parts to Products integration, you'll see fields for Translated Weight UOM Value and Translated Dimension UOM Value. These fields are used for the weight and dimension UOMs in the integration. Since your UOM names may not match between LOCATE and DEAR, you can edit this field to add translation logic. For example, you could do:

case([Size UOM Value], "Pound", "lbs")

Make sure to save the report after you update a field. We recommend not changing field names, since the integrations are mapped back to particular field names in these reports. However, you might find that you'll want to add additional fields to these reports, for example to define specific mappings on the chart of accounts.

Going back to the integration page, you can do Test -> Test Integration to try out the integration and see what the end data will look. You'll need to enter a value for the specified ID to choose the record it uses as the test data:

Right now, all of these integrations generate CSV files that you can then import into Cin7 in the appropriate import.

To actually run the integrations, we recommend running them from reports. You can access a report capable of running the integration by doing Run -> View in Report from the integration:

From the report itself, you can click on Two Way, then choose the integration you want to run. You may want to use the filters on the report to reduce the generated CSV first to help ensure that your settings are accurate.

We strongly recommend reviewing the generated CSVs before you actually import them into Cin7.

For all dates that are output into Cin7, Easy Insight has custom fields set up to format the dates into dd-MM-yyyy format by default. This format in the custom fields needs to be adjusted to match the format used in your Cin7 account.

LOCATE Part to Cin7 Product

This integration copies part information from LOCATE into products in Cin7. This integration generates a CSV file for import into Cin7.

Category Cin7 Part Category Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to pulling the first part group associated to the part in LOCATE.
Subcategory Cin7 Part SubCategory Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to blank. You can customize this to any LOCATE field if appropriate.
Product Name Parts - Name The name of the part.
Description Parts - Description The description of the part.
Supplier Cin7 Last Supplier Name Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to the last supplier with this part purchased.
Stock Control Cin7 Part Stock Control Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, calculated as if ([Serialized] == "0" && [Expires] == "1", "Batch", if ([Serialized] == "1", "Serial", "FIFO")).
Option 1 Label Cin7 Part Option 1 Label Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to blank.
Option 2 Label Cin7 Part Option 2 Label Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to blank.
Price Code
Option 1 Cin7 Part Option 1 Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to blank.
Option 2 Cin7 Part Option 2 Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to blank.
Cost Price Parts - Cost Pulls from the Cost field in the Parts data in LOCATE.
Retail Price Parts - Price Pulls from the Price field in the Parts in LOCATE.
Wholesale Price Cin7 Part Wholesale Price Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to not set.
VIP Price Cin7 Part VIP Price Defined in the Cin7 Parts mapping report, defaults to not set.

LOCATE Part to Cin7 Fashion Product

This integration copies part information from LOCATE into fashion products in Cin7. This integration generates a CSV file for import into Cin7. This import is for fashion products, which include sizing as part of their configuration. For more information, see https://connect.cin7.com/s/article/Importing-Fashion-Products.

Product Name
Size Code
Stock Control For fashion products, the stock control is always Batch.
Style Code
Option 1 Label
Option 2 Label
Price Code
Option 1
Option 2
Cost Price
Retail Price
Wholesale Price
VIP Price

LOCATE Vendor to Cin7 Contact

This integration copies vendors from LOCATE into contacts in Cin7. This integration generates a CSV file for import into Cin7. All of the fields used in this integration are mapped through the Cin7Vendor report.

Company Vendor Name
Type Assigned to a fixed value of Supplier.
FirstName Cin7SupplierFirstName
LastName Cin7SupplierLastName
JobTitle Cin7SupplierTitle
PriceColumn Cin7SupplierPriceColumn This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
PaymentTerms Cin7SupplierPaymentTerms This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
TaxStatus Cin7SupplierTaxStatus This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
TaxNumber Cin7SupplierTaxNumber This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
Group Cin7SupplierContactGroup This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
SubGroup Cin7SupplierContactSubGroup This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
Mobile Cin7SupplierMobile
Phone Cin7SupplierPhone
Fax Cin7SupplierFax
Website Cin7SupplierWebsite
Email Cin7SupplierEmail
BillingCountry Cin7SupplierBillingCountry
BillingPhone Cin7SupplierBillingPhone
BillingCity Cin7SupplierBillingCity
BillingAddress1 Cin7SupplierBillingAddress1
BillingAddress2 Cin7SupplierBillingAddress2
BillingState Cin7SupplierBillingState
BillingPostal Cin7SupplierBillingPostal
DeliveryCountry Cin7SupplierDeliveryCountry
DeliveryAddress1 Cin7SupplierDeliveryAddress1
DeliveryAddress2 Cin7SupplierDeliveryAddress2
DeliveryState Cin7SupplierDeliveryState
DeliveryCity Cin7SupplierDeliveryCity
DeliveryPostal Cin7SupplierDeliveryPostal
Stage Cin7SupplierStage This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
LegalName Cin7SupplierLegalName This field is a placeholder in the Cin7Vendors report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.

LOCATE Customer to Cin7 Contact

This integration copies customers from LOCATE into contacts in Cin7. This integration generates a CSV file for import into Cin7. All fields in this integration are mapped through the Cin7 Contacts report.

Company Customer Name
Type Assigned to a fixed value of Customer.
FirstName Cin7CustomerFirstName
LastName Cin7CustomerLastName
JobTitle Cin7CustomerTitle
PriceColumn Cin7PriceColumn This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
PaymentTerms Cin7PaymentTerms This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
TaxStatus Cin7TaxStatus This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
TaxNumber Cin7TaxNumber This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
Group Cin7ContactGroup This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
SubGroup Cin7ContactSubGroup This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
Mobile Cin7Mobile
Phone Cin7Phone
Fax Cin7Fax
Website Cin7Website
Email Cin7Email
BillingCountry Cin7BillingCountry
BillingPhone Cin7BillingPhone
BillingCity Cin7BillingCity
BillingAddress1 Cin7BillingAddress1
BillingAddress2 Cin7BillingAddress2
BillingState Cin7BillingState
BillingPostal Cin7BillingPostal
DeliveryCountry Cin7DeliveryCountry
DeliveryAddress1 Cin7DeliveryAddress1
DeliveryAddress2 Cin7DeliveryAddress2
DeliveryState Cin7DeliveryState
DeliveryCity Cin7DeliveryCity
DeliveryPostal Cin7DeliveryPostal
Stage Cin7Stage This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.
LegalName Cin7LegalName This field is a placeholder in the Cin7 Contacts report by default, but you can customize it there to populate with a certain value.


This integration copies BOMs from LOCATE into BOMs in Cin7. This integration generates a CSV file for import into Cin7.

LOCATE Part Bundle to Cin7 BOM

This integration copies part bundles from LOCATE into BOMs in Cin7. This integration generates a CSV file for import into Cin7.

Copy Stock Levels from LOCATE to Cin7

This integration copies part information from LOCATE into fashion products in Cin7. This integration generates a tab separated file for import into Cin7. Please see https://help.cin7.com/documentation/core-modules/stock/stocktake/completing-your-first-stocktake/ for more information on how to actually import the data--you'll want to take the tab separated file generated by Easy Insight and paste it into the stock take input in Cin7.

Stock Import Code Cin7 Stock Part Number
Stock Import Count Cin7 Stock on Hand
Cin7 Stock Site Name
Cin7 Stock Location Name
Stock Import BatchSerial Cin7 Stock Batch/Serial Number
Stock Import Cost Cin7 Stock Cost
Stock Import Name Cin7 Stock Part Name
Stock Import StockControl Cin7 Import Stock Control
Stock Import Size Cin7 Stock Size
Stock Import OnHand Cin7 Stock Count

For sales orders and purchase orders, the date formats need to match with the date/time format specified in your Cin7 configuration. These formats are specified in the DateTime custom fields in the sales order and purchase order mapping reports.

LOCATE Purchase Orders to Cin7 Purchase Orders

This integration copies data from LOCATE purchase orders into Cin7 purchase orders. This integration generates a CSV file that you can import into Cin7.

PO Import OrderRef Cin7PO Number
PO Import InvoiceDate Cin7 PO Bill Date
PO Import Company Cin7 PO Vendors - Name
PO Import CreatedDate Cin7 PO DateCreated
PO Import Branch Cin7 PO Site - Name
PO Import Fully Received Cin7 PO Fully Received
PO Import ItemCode Cin7 PO Parts - Number
PO Import ItemQty Cin7 PO PurchaseOrders Lines - Qty
PO Import ItemCost Cin7 PO Unit Cost
PO Import FreightCost Cin7 PO Receipt Shipping Cost
PO Import SupplierInvoiceNo Cin7 PO Vendor So Number
PO Import ETD Cin7 PO Scheduled Fulfillment Date

LOCATE Invoices to Cin7 Sales Orders

This integration copies LOCATE sales invoices into Cin7 sales orders. This integration generata a CSV file that you can import into Cin7.

Order Ref Cin7 SO Number
InvoiceNo Cin7 SO Invoices - Number
SO Import Company Cin7 SO Customers - Name
SO Import FirstName Cin7 SO Customers - First Name
SO Import LastName Cin7 SO Customers - Last Name
SO Import CreatedDate Cin7 SO Created DateString
SO Import InvoiceDate Cin7 SO InvoiceDateString
SO Import ETD Cin7 SO DueDateString
SO Import ItemCode Cin7 SO Parts - Number
SO Import ItemQty Cin7 SO Invoices Lines - Qty
SO Import ItemPrice Cin7 SO Invoices Lines - Unit Price
SO Import FullyDispatched Cin7 SO Completed DateString
SO Import CustomerPoNo Cin7 SO SalesOrder - Customer Po Number