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Two Way Basecamp Connections

Using two way connections with Basecamp, you can add, edit, and delete todos straight from your Easy Insight reports, going across multiple projects in a single report.

Two Way Setup

You can edit the todo name or mark the todo off as completed (or reopen it).

Two Way Setup

You can set the start and due dates on the todo.

Two Way Setup

You can change assignees on the todo. The available assignees for a given todo will be limited to those who are part of the project.

Two Way Setup

You can click on a todo list name and add a todo, or click on a todo and add a comment.

Two Way Setup

If you've created a custom field on your todos such as Todo Priority, Todo Estimate, or Todo Hours, you can edit it from your reports.

Two Way Setup

If you've set up a custom field like Todo Sprint and want to drag todos through a progression of sprints, you can set up a Board report to move the todo across sprints.

Two Way Setup

You can create todos from your help desk tickets or CRM tickets using integrations.

Two Way Setup

You can filter down to the list of todos you want, then make a bulk change to due dates or reassign all todos in the list to a new set of assignees.